Ab: 4,00  / Ausgabe

AVIDA ABO — 4 times a year we will send you your copy of AVIDA hot off the press to your home! 
€ 4 for Aus­tria / € 7 for Ger­many and Switzer­land includ­ing VAT and shipping. 
Can­cel anytime.


Artikel­num­mer: AVI­DA-ABO-Einzel Kat­e­gorie:

YOUR AVIDA SUBSCRIPTION — can be can­celed at any time — 4 times a year, spring, sum­mer, autumn and winter!

With our medi­um, we pri­mar­i­ly address peo­ple with a high affin­i­ty for the top­ics of well­ness and health. In Aus­tria alone there were around 9.4 mil­lion ther­mal baths admis­sions in 2017. Accord­ing to a study by Danube Uni­ver­si­ty Krems, the typ­i­cal well­ness hol­i­day­mak­er is between 30 and 49 years old and pre­dom­i­nant­ly female. This is also reflect­ed in our read­er­ship: 75% of AVIDA read­ers are women. The rep­re­sen­ta­tives of this group want to main­tain their pro­duc­tiv­i­ty in the “rush hour” of life. When it comes to plan­ning their vaca­tion, they are increas­ing­ly opt­ing for “short­er, more often”.

AVIDA appears 4 times a year — spring, sum­mer, autumn and win­ter. The ship­ping costs are already includ­ed in the sub­scrip­tion price.

Your sub­scrip­tion is auto­mat­i­cal­ly renewed from issue to issue. You can end your sub­scrip­tion at any time.

Zusätzliche Informationen


Deutsch­land, Öster­re­ich, Schweiz