Join Us

This page and the con­tent has been auto­mat­i­cal­ly gen­er­at­ed for you to give you a basic idea of how a “Join Us” page should look like. You can cus­tomize this page how­ev­er you like it by edit­ing this page from your Word­Press page editor.

If you change the URL of this page, make sure to update the URL val­ue in the set­tings menu of the plugin.

If you delete any of the essen­tial pages required by the plu­g­in, this doc­u­men­ta­tion will guide you in recre­at­ing them.

Free Mem­ber­ship

You get unlim­it­ed access to free mem­ber­ship content

Price: Free!

Link the fol­low­ing image to go to the Reg­is­tra­tion Page if you want your vis­i­tors to be able to cre­ate a free mem­ber­ship account

join now button image - Join Us

You can reg­is­ter for a Free Mem­ber­ship or pay for one of the fol­low­ing mem­ber­ship options

[ ==> Insert Pay­ment But­ton For Your Paid Mem­ber­ship Lev­els Here <== ]

[Xswpm_payment_button id=“10158”]